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Our communities thrive when we are active participants. From volunteering for nonprofits to signing up to be a precinct committee officer to getting involved in grass roots action. Get involved and get connected. And support out small businesses and local farms!
Fruits of our Labor - Volunteering at Flooded River Ranch in Duvall. These small farmers need to be encouraged and protected.
Fruits of our Labor - Volunteering at Flooded River Ranch in Duvall. These small farmers need to be encouraged and protected.
We Heart Seattle clean up of trails in Queen Anne area in conjunction with ONE SEATTLE
We Heart Seattle clean up of trails in Queen Anne area in conjunction with ONE SEATTLE
Helping tally votes at the 5th LD Caucus and connecting with other active PCOs
Helping tally votes at the 5th LD Caucus and connecting with other active PCOs
Celebrating daughters birthday with family
Celebrating daughters birthday with family
Celebration of the signing of ALL six Let's Go Washington initiatives with fellow signature gatherers!
Celebration of the signing of ALL six Let's Go Washington initiatives with fellow signature gatherers!
Quintessential Seattle meal at the Fisherman's wharf in Seattle at Chinooks.
Quintessential Seattle meal at the Fisherman's wharf in Seattle at Chinooks.
Raul Garcia State Senate Candidate speaks at the 45th LD. He has a compelling story!
Raul Garcia State Senate Candidate speaks at the 45th LD. He has a compelling story!
Daughter with her horses.Here is to horses xoxo
Daughter with her horses.Here is to horses xoxo
Visiting small businesses in the 41st LD. I will advocate for small businesses! Did you know that Mercer Island Florist sells gorgeous and exotic plants!?
Visiting small businesses in the 41st LD. I will advocate for small businesses! Did you know that Mercer Island Florist sells gorgeous and exotic plants!?
Attending the Housing Issues Seminar with Lynn Trinh, 48 LD candidate, and learning how we can make housing more afforable and increase the housing supply in our region
Attending the Housing Issues Seminar with Lynn Trinh, 48 LD candidate, and learning how we can make housing more afforable and increase the housing supply in our region
Campaign Kickoff for 41st LD with a few guest candidates from other LDs. We are working together to bring back common sense governance to Olympia!
Campaign Kickoff for 41st LD with a few guest candidates from other LDs. We are working together to bring back common sense governance to Olympia!

Paid for by Friends of Emily Tadlock
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