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Public Safety and solutions for reducing crime:

Public safety is the cornerstone of a functional society, and it has deteriorated in recent years. Our district is no longer immune to violent crimes such as armed robbery, carjacking, and drive by shootings. My opponent supported policies that resulted in lighter sentences for crimes involving firearms, reclassifying robbery as a lesser offense, and passed legislation that limited police pursuits. As your Representative, reversing these policies, enforcing the laws, and prosecuting crime will be my top priority.

We can create safe communities by re-employing professional law enforcement officers and establishing units to address criminal gangs and by providing real compassionate solutions to our drug & homelessness crises through education, rehabilitation and prosecution of drug dealers. We need to hire more public defenders and create penalties for prosecutors that fail to follow sentencing guidelines.

Housing alone will not solve our homelessness crisis. There is correlation between homelessness, drug addiction, mental health and crime. We need to address these connections and create comprehensive programs that will reduce homelessness and drug addiction. By providing supportive housing with drug rehabilitation in addition to mental health and vocational programs, we can help these individuals become self-reliant and lead productive lives.

Many who have been involved with assisting the homeless and researching the topic have reached this conclusion: “After speaking to many such homeless people, it became even clearer that the only thing that will help most of them is addiction services and mental health treatment. Without it, they will die — either out on the streets or in fully subsidized housing.”

We need to enact strict laws against drug dealers and distributors to stop the circulation of fentanyl, heroin and other hard drugs. In 2023 Fentanyl deaths reached an all-time high in King County. 

Small Businesses/ Economic Growth/Simplified Taxes:

I will promote policies that create economic opportunity, fuel entrepreneurs and encourage Washington's citizens to be self-reliant and start small businesses or find meaningful employment in small businesses and become home-owners. In Washington states small businesses (those employing 50 our less) create 95% of the jobs. *

In Olympia we should reduce regulations and provide tax incentives and grants to small businesses and entrepreneurs rather than forcing legislation that puts small businesses at risk of failing. Over regulation, slow and laborious permitting and other bureaucratic impediments often curtail business growth and success. We can investigate ways to simplifying the tax structure for small businesses including changing the calculation of the Business and Occupation tax. And in doing so we can increase the expansion of small businesses, entrepreneurs and local farms and promote purchasing within our local communities, which helps create jobs and boost tax revenue rather than regulating them out of business or out of the state.

Another legislative goal would be to make home purchases affordable for young families. One possible method for promoting home ownership is to streamline the building permitting process and work with nonprofit and profit organizations to create “VA” style program for qualified first-time home buyers to purchase homes without a down-payment.

Promoting School Excellence: 

Children are the future of our society, and it is imperative that we provide a safe and secure environment for them to learn and grow. Current policies supported by my opponent have failed children who cannot afford private schools and tutoring. In 2023, only 50.7% of students met reading standards, 39.1% met math standards, and 42.9% met science standards *. As your representative, I will prioritize academic excellence. I will prioritize our schools (Private, Public or Charter), empower parents with school choice, and provide inclusive support systems for special learners who need additional assistance.

We need to succeed in teaching them the core topics of Science, Mathematics, Reading, Writing and Civics. The goal is to help our children be successful in their adult lives and contribute to the community.

*OSPI reports that statewide, proficiency in Washington state is now ELA 50.7%, Math 37.7% and Science at 37.7%*

For Questions and Answers about Public Charter Schools please visit this website:



Charter schools have been proven to be an effective alternative for public schools which are facing budget and enrollment problems. The State Board of Education (SBE) just published its seventh Annual Report on the performance of Washington’s 18 charter public schools.  These innovative community-based schools serve a total of about 4,800 students.  As in past years, the State Board finds that children who attend a charter public school receive an education that is as good or better than the one provided at most traditional public schools.

Many parents regard Charter schools as the best option for their children.  Most charters have waiting lists, and attendance data shows that 62% of charter school students come from low-income and minority families.  The State Board finds that low-income Black, Hispanic and immigrant children see greater and greater learning gains in English and Math than students at traditional schools.  As a result charter schools have become an essential link in eradicating the “achievement gap" between low-income students and children from wealthier families.

Public charter schools are popular and successful because they operate independently of union control and centralized bureaucracy. As independent public schools they are more likely to be free of radical Critical Race Theory (CRT), politically-motivated race discrimination and other harmful policies that degrade the quality of education children receive.  By LIV FINNE  |  

May 8, 2024 WA Policy Center 

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