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Emily Tadlock

As a single parent who raised two children, I deeply understand the need for a supportive system, a secure environment and the ability to provide for a family. This led me to walk away from the Democrat party and led me to run as a Republican who represents our community's values and needs with a focus on empowering individuals.

We need to promote economic opportunities, foster self-reliance and make living in this region more affordable. Let’s promote policies that create economic opportunity and lower and or simplify taxes to reduce burden on families and businesses.

We can create safe communities by re-employing professional law enforcement officers and establishing units to address criminal gangs and by providing real compassionate solutions to our drug & homelessness crises through education, rehabilitation and prosecution of drug dealers. We need to hire more public defenders and create penalties for prosecutors that fail to follow sentencing guidelines.

We can foster quality education by focusing on having children master the core topics and offering school choice and the expansion of public charter schools which have a superior track record of meeting the needs of marginalized communities. 

I am running for State Rep position 1 because I will represent the citizens of the 41st and their interests and will not be conflicted by special interest or powerful unions. I care deeply about Washington and in particular the 41st LD having lived here most of my life. I grew up in Bellevue, graduating from Newport High School and Washington State University and my siblings and their families and my children live in the Seattle area too.

My ancestors fought in the American Revolution (Lt. Samuel Pierson). Washington is worth fighting for and that is why I am stepping up to run to keep Washington affordable, prosperous and safe for all its citizens. It is time to bring a counter-balance and diversity of thought in Olympia. I can provide a more common-sense business minded viewpoint. If elected, I promise to make results driven rather than agenda driven decisions. 





In 2017 I met my wonderful husband Greg and we married in 2018 expanding our family to 6 with four adult children who live throughout the region.



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